Sunday 14 February 2016

Treachery, Lies, and Deceit

The village had changed considerably in the few years since Edico and Balimber had died in the arena. Attila had returned east but with only a quarter of his army. There had been many die in the battle at the Catalonian Plains where he had been defeated. There was a deadly virus that also took a great number of lives leaving his once great army even more depleted. Where he had left the east thin on the ground of armies he realised that on returning he was not coming back as a force to be feared by some of the larger eastern tribes. He was still a very dangerous adversary but with a smaller army.
He had heard about the battles on the east coast of the black sea but refused to acknowledge that they ever took place. On hearing the same story from the few survivors both of his sons wanted to take a small army down and beat this Amazon queen into the ground. Instead Attila sent commanders down to look at what defences were in place, and on their return he forbade them to even think about it.
He had a bigger problem at that moment on his hands. The Alani that had been fighting with Attila, but since his return they were now distancing their army’s from him. The Alani had grown strong since he had been in the west fighting the Romans. On his return he had found that a big chunk of his empire in the south-east now belonged to them. They now held and defended a long strip of land east of the Big River and just north of the Caucasus Mountains.
Attila decided to send two generals down with two thousand mounted warriors each to bring them back into the fold by force. His two sons objected saying that it was their right to go but he waved them aside. Attila along with the entire Hunic race was mistrusting, and there was no way Attila was going to send the successors to his empire down to war with others. He had no intention of letting them come back strong and attacking him for the right to reign over the empire.
Echephyle now had a two year old girl that was called Andromache after the child’s grandmother. Danilo was out most days with the commands when doing their patrols. They rode out for a few days at a time and he hunted for the commander at the same time giving them any information about the Hun. While riding in the winter with them he had been given a shelter of his own, which the commander’s slaves put up for him.
The horn blew as the lookout shouted, “Army of two hundred heading this way from the north-east.” The three queens walked out of the palace to look towards the hill. Then leaving Andromache with the children Hippolyta and Echephyle walked down to the main gates. The battlements were now made of stone and at least five paces high.
As they looked over the wall with Alexius a group of six warriors were riding down the hill towards the north wall. One was carrying a white flag but these warriors were not dressed like Hun and their hair was dark in colour with long beards. They rode around the burial mound that stretched along the front and crossed the bridge. In front of the gates they stopped and looked up at the group on the battlements.
The one that Hippolyta thought was the leader rode his horse half a length forward of the others. “My name is General Akbar we are Alani and we come in peace. We wish to speak with the powerful Queen Hippolyta of things that are important to both of our people. As you see we carry no weapons and my army is here are only for my protection and will remain the distance they are now.” The queens never replied before the great doors opened and taking it as an invite the Alani rode in.
They dismounted just inside the gate and were met by Hippolyta and Alexius. “I am Hippolyta, Queen of all Amazons. If this is important enough for the King of the Alani to send the General of their army, then I think we had better go and sit about the council fire.”
“You are very knowledgeable of other realms and empires, Queen Hippolyta.” He gave a courteous bow before following Hippolyta up the hill.
As they walked up to the fire, Danilo that had just returned with Scyleia went to stand up. “Stay where you are, Danilo, this might concern the army.”
Once they were all sitting about the fire Akbar began talking. “We have a mutual enemy in the Hun. At one time while Attila was fighting in the east, we the Alani fought at his side. This all stopped when we had a new leader after the death of our old one. Our new leader is a peaceful man but on the other hand he is powerful with a large army.”
“Our people now wish to trade with the west with our route being from the Caspian Sea along the side of the Caucasus Mountains to the Black sea. From there we will take the older trading routes to Rome and north of the Danube.”
“The problem is that Attila has sent two generals by the name of Octar and Bleda along with four-thousand mounted warriors south. Their instructions are to attack our villages and trader caravans that are travelling west. Although we have an army that is infinitely larger than your army, we need help to keep these Hun away from our traders and trading routes.”
“Why would we want to help the Alani?”
“Our new leader knew that you would ask this question and told us that we had to tell you all that we knew. We had a man that was close to Attila and his sons who was one of the Alani. Because of the conflicting loyalties when he found out the plans of Attila he defected or should I say returned back to us”.
“You have fought and killed over five-hundred of Octar’s command when attacking them one night in a village. He has sworn revenge for that night as he only narrowly escaped with his life. He has two-thousand mounted warriors with him now, because he has been given the western edge of the mountains.”
“Attila will not fight you directly because it would use up a vast amount of warriors, and even then he is not sure of victory. He cannot afford to waste his warriors in one battle that victory is uncertain. What he has done, is place eight thousand warriors in reserve for Octar to use if he has to deal with you.”
“I know Octar from a long time ago and he will draw you out by attacking the villages in your realm. Octar is no fool, and it was for that reason he was with Attila in all of his battles. He and his command of two-thousand warriors are the cream of the warriors in the east. He is not like Bataar or Edico.” He saw the surprise on Hippolyta’s face.
“Yes, my Lady, I know of all your battles. Our lookouts saw you chase Edico to the forest of islands. We watched you defeat Bataar and Churnobog. At any time we could have attacked you in the name of the Hun, but our leader wanted you as an ally not another enemy to contend with.”
“He said it was in the stars that Attila would come back a weak warrior from the battle in the west. It was because of the prophecy the Alani never followed him. While Attila was away and Edico was trying to carve his own empire we were slowly carving ours. Attila had told his sons that on his return if Edico was alive he had better have defeated you or he would die soon after.”
“We would like you to help us to look after the trade route on the western end of the mountains. We look after the east and help you in your battle with the Hun. We the Alani will always have armies in the east for you to use as back up when fighting large numbers of Hun. It will give you the freedom of riding the Caucasus Mountain trail without the need to look over your shoulder. Your back will always be covered by our forces. That is my word and also the word of our leader.”
Hippolyta had been listening to all that had been said and as soon as he stopped she asked. “I see what you are saying about helping each other, but long term what do I get out of this?”
“I was coming to that, my Lady. The weapon makers will not deal with the Hun anymore because they have a habit of stealing. We know from our informers that you and your army have the pick of the weapons and those arms dealers will always deal with you. Those same arms dealers will not deal with us because we once helped the Hun. If you can get those dealers to come to you we will buy them for the armies in the west. You will be having the lion’s share of the value by trading for eastern products.”
“On the way back you can trade with the same traders that are going east. You will be a trading stop to all the traders, because they need your protection to travel north of the Black Sea and to the centre of the Caucasus Mountains.”
“It is late in the day, my Lady. I have two hundred warriors with me for protection only. Would we be able to place our shelters near the forest to your front for the night? It will give you a chance to talk with your commanders, and we can complete our business in the morning.”
“Yes I think that would be a good idea. I will point out that I mean no offence to you or your leader, but we will be watching you carefully while you rest. These are uncertain times and we cannot be too careful.”
“I do understand your concern, my Lady, and no offence was taken.”
As one of Alexius’s officers took the six men back to the gates Hippolyta said, “We will have food and be back here later to talk about the alliance.”
I was an age later before they all returned to the fire. “Alexius, you have fought the Hun and these Alani longer than most, what do you think of this alliance?”
“I think there is a genuine worry within the Alani. By what Akbar has told you there is at least twelve-thousand Hun that could be here within two maybe three days. Not only could they give the village problems, but they could give the Alani problems with half their army and give you problems with the other six-thousand.  To the Alani twelve-thousand is not that great and they could manage at a push, the same as we could here in the village. Together though you could push Attila’s army back north giving the Alani control of the trade route.”
“One other thing that you should remember is their new leader wants to trade with the west. He knows that the spoils of war are only that, momentary treasures. He is looking to make long term friends with the west along with all those along the trade route. There is no end to the basic trade you could do with furs, animal hides, weapons. This area could be a port for transporting the goods over the sea. This is a very rich area to those that wish to make it so.”
“So you are saying we should form this alliance Alexius, and I for one agree with you. My main reason is because of Attila and his army. I don’t think he is the sort of person to stay quiet for very long. he has already showed that he is up for the fight by sending two generals down here to put things right.”
“My Lady, these two generals have to be sent back on their knees or captured and made an example of. We know that it was not long ago when he was defeated, and I don’t think he will want a repeat. It might be the real reason he is not sending his sons down. He might be thinking that if the battle is lost by these two generals then he has distanced himself from the battle.”
“Does anyone else want to make any suggestions or objections?” There were no comments because all that needed to be said had been spoken.
The following morning when Hippolyta walked out of her palace she heard the steel striking steel. It was the sound of Queen Echephyle and Danilo practicing. Standing around them were at least two hundred Amazon warriors. It was a practice session that they did every morning but it was so lifelike it looked as though they really were trying to kill each other. It was their skill and knowledge of each other’s way of doing battle that stopped it taking place.
Both queens pushed through the warriors only to find Akbar and his group already at the front. Echephyle swung her sword allowing Danilo only a fraction of time to get his shield in the way. Again there was a clash of steel just before his sword came in the other direction so hard it nearly took her off balance. When he saw her catch her balance he smiled which made her mad enough to step back a little. Then came forward with a hard left, right, left with her sword in quick succession. He had to use his sword and shield fast to parry off the strikes and he smiled at her knowing she was rattled.
Echephyle stepped back and threw the sword down and took the axe the warrior gave her. On seeing this he laughed, “Now you’re being silly, my Lady.” Danilo put his sword on the ground and took the axe off of his back and got ready once more.
She came charging at him swinging her axe hard from her right to Danilo’s left. He put the shield up just in time to stop the axe dead. “I’ll teach you to call me silly, Danilo,” and she swung the axe once more. The force she struck the side of the shield was so hard that even Danilo had trouble keeping balance. “You’re not fit enough to call yourself a wolf, you’re like a slow old donkey.” The axe struck his shield once more but there was not as much power.
“Yes, my Lady, but as you have not got me worried yet shows that I am still faster than you.” His axe struck the side of her shield so hard that it moved her to his left half a pace. “See you are too weak now to parry my strikes, and I see the end of this battle with the old donkey the winner.”
The crowd that was gathered around all laughed including the two queens. “Weak? You dare call me weak I’ll show you who’s weak.” Echephyle stepped forward with her axe in the air to bring down on his head. Danilo stepped forward to meet her taking hold of her wrist. Her hand took hold of his wrist and a struggle between them took place. Their faces were only inches apart and Echephyle’s look of aggression turned to a smile.
She then kissed him on the lips, and his grip on her wrist slackened. Their bodies were touching as Echephyle curled her leg around the back of his knee and gave a hard push. Danilo lost his balance and went straight over on his back looking up at Echephyle who had her axe at his throat. “My Lady, you cheated.”
“Is that what you are going to say when the Hun have you in that same position, donkey?” and she laughed.
“It will never happen, my Lady, because the Hun has not started kissing their opponents on the battlefield yet, have they?” There was another burst of laughter from the onlookers as she put her hand down to help him up. They both walked back to the fire and sat down.
Akbar turned to face Hippolyta, “Your warriors are ferocious in practicing, my Lady.”
“I understand why you said that, Akbar, but the woman is Queen Echephyle and the other is my hunter and protector.”
“Never the less, my Lady, I have never seen two people practicing with intent. We have heard stories about Hippolyta queen of all Amazons, and I have always been unsure of their truth. We have also heard that you are fair in your judgment with the ability to show mercy when you could have shown death. That is the act of a person that has the power to give or take life, it shows strength of mind. It was on hearing this story over a year ago why our leader sent us to make peace with you, and if possible trade.”
“Who told you that I show mercy when I could have shown death?”
“We caught a thief trying to steal food and our leader was going to cut his hand off. He begged for it not to take place crying while saying he would serve the Alani for the rest of his life if he could keep his hand. Our leader said he would give him one chance to save his hand if he told of one brave thing he had done in his life.”
“He told us a story of how he was captured by you and your army after a big battle. Then after bringing him here you made him fight wolves with only a knife. He said that after long battles with two wolves you showed him mercy instead of throwing your last wolf in the pit with him. He told us that because each fight went on for a long time he was feeling weak, but he still had the strength to look up and shout. “Send the next because I am getting a taste for blood.”
Hippolyta and Andromache both burst out laughing, and Hippolyta said, “That’s not quite how I remember it, but it did take place. Did he still lose his hand?”
“No, our leader liked the story so much that he rewarded him. He told him that as he was so brave he would give him two hundred men and make him a commander. If he never showed his bravery in battle his men had permission to kill him. Since that day they have fought the Hun a few times and he is still alive.”
“We have decided to have the alliance Akbar, and I think in the next few days we will go out on the offensive. We have already had word from the villages that the Hun was about once more causing problems.”
“I will be on my way, my Lady. You will know our army from the Hun, and there are many about. They already know who you are as they have seen you on many occasions have orders not to take up arms against you. They have also been told to give you assistance if you should ever need it against the Hun.” He gave another courteous bow before he and the others walked away.
All the commander and queens were now around the fire talking. Echephyle cut some meat off of the wild boar and gave it to Danilo. “Thank you, my Lady. I hope this isn’t a bribe so that I will go easy on you tomorrow morning.”
“We are now in an alliance with the Alani and they will be available as reserve if we should need it. Octar the commander that is in charge of two thousand Hun warriors is in my realm somewhere and we have to find him. Two of the villagers have sent word that Octar has already been to their villages to take their food. Unlike Bataar he has not harmed the villagers, but at the moment they have food to give him. We will go out tomorrow and find him before sending him up north without his army. Is there anyone here that wishes to add anything to what I have just said?”
No one answered, but as they were about to get up Danilo asked, “Would it be allowed for me to give you one of my thoughts, my Lady?”
“Yes of course, Danilo.”
“Would it be alright for me to go out and scout around for Octar and his army? I know the two villages that he has sacked and somewhere in between he is hiding. I was only thinking that maybe he has sacked those two villages to draw you out. If Octar has been sent by Attila, then we must assume that he is not as stupid as Bataar, Edico, and Balimber.”
Thraso faced Hippolyta, “Danilo has a very good point, Hippolyta. We have no idea where he is or what position he is in. As Danilo has stated he could be in a position where he could attack us without us leaving us no chance to fight back. The same as we did to Balimber’s marching Hun when they were in the dip.”
Hippolyta thought about what had been said before answering. “You have both given me good reasons to be cautious which I thank you both for. By giving me your thoughts we have avoided a catastrophe that could have caused the death of many Amazon warriors. In my eagerness to get into the battle with the Hun once more, I had forgotten that we had a barbarian warrior and hunter in our midst.”
“There is no rush to kill Octar and his army because he most probably thinks we don’t know that his army is big. He probably thinks that we are going to go out with a small army thinking that the Hun that were robbing the village were just small commands. Time is on our side during the battles ahead because we are secondary to the task Attila sent him on.”
“Danilo, there is no rush to get the information back to the village. Your safety is more important than speed. My army will not move out of the village until you have returned to tell me the situation on the ground. As soon as you have eaten and rested you may go.”
“I will go as well,” Echephyle said.
“My Lady, I for one know that you are capable of doing that very task. I would however advise you against that thought for the reason you are a queen. If at all you were captured by the Hun they would use you as a lever to get at, my Lady Queen Hippolyta. The battle would be ended before it had even started with at least one maybe two queens dying to save the village. I am a barbarian warrior and it is my task to take the danger from my queens. It will be me that has to die in place of them not another queen. My life is expendable and for my queens to use to the full.”

Echephyle knew that he was correct about her being a liability, and stood up with Hippolyta and the commanders as Danilo finished his food. As they were walking away Hippolyta turned back towards Danilo. “Your life will never be expendable for the queens to use, Danilo. You are as precious to your queens as the army of Amazon warriors.

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